Prof. Powell’s Profile

Active 1 years, 9 months ago
Prof. Powell
Display Name
Prof. Powell
Human Services
Office Location
Namm 422
Work Phone

My Courses

HUS1101, Introduction to Human Services, Fall 2015

HUS1101, Introduction to Human Services, Fall 2015

This course introduces the human services profession, its knowledge, values, and skills base. Major topics addressed are the history, personal attributes, lifestyles, ideologies, values, and ethical dilemmas. Included are social intervention strategies, interviewing, case management, counseling, program planning, organizing, changing systems, legal issues, and current trends.

HUS1101 Introduction to Human Services, Fall 2016

HUS1101 Introduction to Human Services, Fall 2016

This course introduces the human services profession, its knowledge, values, and skills base. Major topics addressed are the history, personal attributes, lifestyles, ideologies, values, and ethical dilemmas. Included are social intervention strategies, interviewing, case management, counseling, program planning, organizing, changing systems, legal issues, and current trends.

HEA1102 Community Health, FA2016

HEA1102 Community Health, FA2016

Newest developments in public health on federal, state and local including medical care, chronic and communicable diseases, mental health, sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS, environmental health, epidemiological investigation and research, maternal and child health, population control and health service careers.

HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II, FALL2016

HUS 2405 Human Services Field Practicum II, FALL2016

Supervised field work in a cooperating social or health agency coordinated with weekly classroom seminar. Students prepare written reports on a series of assigned readings and keep a written journal of their field practicum experiences.

HUS1206 Group Dynamics, SPRING 2016

HUS1206 Group Dynamics, SPRING 2016

An in-depth examination of groups and how individuals influence and are influenced by group processes. Role playing and group observation assignments provide students with understanding of themselves as group participants and ways of using group procedures in the helping processes.

My Projects

Games and Learning FIG

Games and Learning FIG

A Faculty/Staff Interest Group dedicated to the use of games and game-based methodologies in Education.

HUS 1101 Course Resource Lab

HUS 1101 Course Resource Lab

Changes in the human services continue to present the need for inter-professional collaboration. As such, strong written and technological skills are crucial for effective practice and to meet the complex needs of clients. As this is the introductory course to the major and one that develops the foundation skills students will utilized throughout the major’s curriculum, it is important for student success to front load their writing skills through a variety of pedagogical approaches that also include technological supports. As such, Human Services students require (a) Innovative curriculum and instruction that affords them these skills more effectively and to strengthen these skills early on in their course of study. (b) Faculty also need resources and support for implementing a variety of teaching practices and assessment measures to meet departmental goals. This includes developing high impact practices that engage students in writing intensive instruction. This site will , thus, serve as a resource exchange for instruction on writing skills for the human services, and lesson module or assignment that involves the use of the colleges open access platform. Objectives: -Strengthen student writing skills: Acquire and use tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive work. -Improve student retention and completion rates. -Faculty training on delivering high impact practices to meet General Education outcomes and assessments, and self-study program outcomes. General Education SLOs: Skills: Acquire and use tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive work Communication Inquiry and Analysis Values, Ethics and Relationships: Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic, and cultural/global domains. Professional/Personal Development Ethics/Values How will this be done? Additional Lecture on how to read peer-reviewed journals How to cite in APA style and Avoid Plagiarism WAC Fellow Support Redesign Term Paper to meet the following objectives: Understanding of the historical development of human services including its impact. Students will be able to analyze and interpret historical data for applications in advocacy and social change. Explore their personal values as they relate to the HUS Code of Ethics and Standards for Practice High Impact Educational Practices: Which of George Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices will be incorporated into the course? (X)Common intellectual experiences (core curriculum) (X) Learning communities (X)Writing-intensive courses (X) Service- or community-based learning

My Clubs

Prof. Powell hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.