michael rinaldi’s Profile

Active 8 years, 10 months ago
michael rinaldi
Display Name
michael rinaldi
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology
Academic interests

entertainment technology


Hello, my name is Michael Rinaldi. I graduated spring of 2014 from the New York City College of Technology with a bachelors in Entertainment Technology. I currently work at City Tech, Pace University, Juilliard School, Manhasset High School, and I freelance in between. I spend most of my leisure time, when i have it, woodworking and making stuff.

My Courses

ENT4410 Technical Direction Spring 2014

ENT4410 Technical Direction Spring 2014

An in depth analysis of the planning, budgeting and construction processes used in the production of scenery. Students will apply their knowledge of construction and drafting techniques and process to generate shop drawings, develop budget estimates and plan construction schedules.

ENT2210 Advanced Scenery Construction FA2015

ENT2210 Advanced Scenery Construction FA2015

This course aims to take a student from competency to proficiency in the scene shop. A successful student will be able to take a scenery project from the drawing to completion, either alone or leading a small crew. Skills covered include: construction techniques, project planning, tool and procedure selection, joinery, time and cost estimation and carpentry. Coursework will focus heavily on lab and project work.

ENT 4410 Technical Direction Spring 2016

ENT 4410 Technical Direction Spring 2016

An in depth analysis of the planning, budgeting and construction processes used in the production of scenery. Students will apply their knowledge of construction and drafting techniques and process to generate shop drawings, develop budget estimates and plan construction schedules.

Advanced Scenery Construction Fall 2014

Advanced Scenery Construction Fall 2014

This course aims to take a student from competency to proficiency in the scene shop. A successful student will be able to take a scenery project from the drawing to completion, either alone or leading a small crew. Skills covered include: construction techniques, project planning, tool and procedure selection, joinery, time and cost estimation and carpentry. Coursework will focus heavily on lab and project work.

ENG 2420: Science Fiction

ENG 2420: Science Fiction

Exploring past visions of future worlds

My Projects

Richard III

Richard III

Repository for planning and information for the proposed College Theme of Richard III.

mike r hubble model

mike r hubble model

for my term project i built a 1:48 scale model of the Hubble telescope. using the printouts on card stock i assembled the model. it wasn’t difficult, and was very fun to build. i learned a few terms and parts of this telescopes but couldn’t get much on exactly how it works or what certain sections and parts are specifically for, from this model. it only took about 4 hours to build and finish with a clear coat. i do wish it could have been a little harder. there was a expert model, but with a build time of 30 hours, i couldn’t schedule enough time for that. http://hubblesite.org/the_telescope/

My Clubs

michael rinaldi hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.