Martha Hagood’s Profile

Active 3 years, 1 months ago
1 to 7 (of 7)

ARTH1104 Art of the US, FA2019

Martha Hagood

An OER for the history of American art.

ARTH 3311 Fall 2019

ARTH 3311 Fall 2019

Martha Hagood

This site can be used as a starting place for creating an OER.

Art Camera Food FYLC Spring 2019

Martha Hagood, Prof. Thalia Pericles, Tracy Zimmermann
HMGT 1203/ HMGT 1204/ ARTH1100|Spring 2019

The Art! Camera! Food! Learning Community for HMGT students to explore the ever increasing art of gastronomy through the lens of digital media. This website is for students in Prof Zimmerman’s Culinary I (Weds AM […]

Art! Camera! Food! FYLC Spring 2018

Sandra Cheng, Prof. Thalia Pericles, Tracy Zimmermann
Hospitality Man...|HMGT 1203/ HMGT 1204/ ARTH1100|Spring 2018

The Art! Camera! Food! Learning Community for HMGT students to explore the ever increasing art of gastronomy through the lens of digital media. This website is for students in Prof Zimmerman’s Culinary I (Weds AM […]

Trial course

Trial course

Martha Hagood

Trial course

Art! Camera! Food! Spring 2019 – 2 –

Art! Camera! Food! Spring 2019 – 2 –

Martha Hagood, Prof. Thalia Pericles, Tracy Zimmermann

First Year Learning Community

Art! Camera! Food! Spring 2019

Art! Camera! Food! Spring 2019

Martha Hagood, Prof. Thalia Pericles, Tracy Zimmermann
LC04|Spring 2019

First Year Learning Community