Mehrangiz’s Profile

Active 4 years, 1 months ago
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Major Program of Study

My Courses

ENG1101LC58 Fall 2019

ENG1101LC58 Fall 2019

This course connects the science of Biology with the issues, problems and promises created by that science. We will explore the connection between the science of Biology and the real world issues, for example how global warming affects flooding and droughts as well as how both fields ask effective questions.

ENG 1141: Intro to Creative Writing, Fall 2020

ENG 1141: Intro to Creative Writing, Fall 2020

This introductory course in creative writing includes exercises to identify and engage your creative voice, discussions of craft and technique, readings aimed to build critical reading and workshopping skills, and discussion of language and style.

ENG 2190 Gender/Ethnicity/Space/Literature

ENG 2190 Gender/Ethnicity/Space/Literature

This course examines the spatiality of race and gender in literature.

My Projects

FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

Welcome to the First Year Learning Communities Open Lab project page. If you are interested in joining the Reflective Writing Project or just learning more about events, resources and information related to the FYLCs at City Tech please request membership!

My Clubs

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Mehrangiz's Friends

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