Mathlyn Mckie’s Profile
ARCH 1130 Building Technology I (retired)
This site is the old coordination site for ARCH 1130 Building Technology I.
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ARCH 1230 Building Technology II
This course will study the basic materials of construction as well as the theory and practice of building technology. The course will include investigation of the assembly of building components and methods of […]
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ARCH1130 Building Technology I, FA2015
An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principles of archi- tectural hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of drawings […]
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Profs. Lia Dikigorpoulou and Jill Bouratoglou M/W 12:00- 3:20pm V0811
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This course is an exploration of abstract architectural design theory in the expression of three-dimensional space. The creation of comprehensive architectural design projects are developed following a building […]
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Architectural Design I: Foundations is the first course in the one-year foundation sequence which increases the student’s ability to perceive visual cues, create visual design, formulate concepts, and render i […]
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