Marilyn Marte’s Profile

get my Bochelor in Hospitality Management
My Courses
Art Camera Food FYLC Fall 2016
The Art! Camera! Food! Learning Community for HMGT students to explore the ever increasing art of gastronomy through the lens of digital media. This website is for students in Prof Garcelon’s Culinary I (Weds AM section), Prof Jacus’s Baking & Pastry I (Weds AM section), and Prof Cheng’s History of Photography (Mon section) classes. Faculty: Kylie Garcelon (HMGT), Joanne Jacus (HMGT), and Sandra Cheng (ARTH) This learning community explores the “art” in the culinary arts. Can we look at food in aesthetic terms of art, beauty, and taste? Can we appreciate food like a work of art? Our learning community is comprised of first-year Hospitality students in Culinary Arts I or Baking and Pastry I, join together in the History of Photography with a focus and a lens on food as art. Increase the scope of your learning by enrolling in this exciting and ground breaking learning community. Meet and work with …… Connect with faculty across disciplines. Discover the interconnectedness of disciplines within the college and the worlds you will work in. Gain a new ‘lens’ from which to view your chosen course of study! Image credit: Brittany Wright, citrus gradient.
HMGT 4702 Hospitality Services Marketing Management
Hospitality Services Markaeting Management
Internship with the Walt Disney Company, Orlando Florida
MAT 1190 Quantitative Reasoning Fall 2014
Students develop and apply mathematical, logical, critical thinking, and statistical skills to solve problems in real-world contexts. They acquire skills in the fields of algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and mathematical modeling.The course incorporates opportunities within the classroom to develop students’ reading, writing, oral, and listening skills in a mathematical context.
HMGT1101, Perspectives in Hospitality Management, F14
An overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are introduced to the nature and scope of the hospitality industry, basic terminology, management concepts, career path explorations and the department’s mission and culture.
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