Dr. Tsenova’s Profile

Active 7 years, 9 months ago
Dr. Tsenova
Display Name
Dr. Tsenova
Biological Sciences

My Courses

Dr. Tsenova hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research

Realizing the value of the research experience at the undergraduate level, this project is committed to fostering research opportunities for City Tech students. Faculty and students can use this project as a place to share announcements about research opportunities, as well as a place to offer information about the experiences students and faculty have had in their research endeavors. A handbook on effective mentoring, developed by the Undergraduate Research Committee, is currently available for download.

Strengthening Research Interactions through Digital Expression (STRIDE)

Strengthening Research Interactions through Digital Expression (STRIDE)

STRIDE is a digital infrastructure using the OpenLab platform that converges a variety of science resources and applications bearing a capacity for enriched engagement in research, and community building. More that a mere website for the NIH Bridges to the Baccalaureate at City Tech, it will contains the following components: • A resource center of digital presentations of faculty mentors research interests/profiles. • A multimedia library of faculty/student research project presentations. • An online journal of students’ scholarly works in research including the sharing of conference abstracts and papers. • Digital platform for an interactive research community that includes online social media.

Committee on Undergraduate Research

Committee on Undergraduate Research

We are the committee, initially from the School of Arts and Sciences, now encompassing faculty from Technology and Design and Professional Studies as well, established to promote student and faculty collaboration on research at the undergraduate level. “Sky Blue Squares” by Annie via Flickr

My Clubs

Dr. Tsenova hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.