lpypec’s Profile

Active 6 years, 10 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

IMT1101 Emerging Media Foundations SP2015

Becky Heritage
Entertainment T...|IMT1101|Spring 2015

An introduction to interactive multimedia technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project based, cooperative learning. Attendees will be immersed in the protocols and processes of the design process: […]


Prof. Paul King
Advertising Des...|ARCH 4400|Fall 2014


ENT 4499 Culmination Project (Monday)

ENT 4499 Culmination Project (Monday)

Ryoya Terao
Entertainment T...|ENT 4499|Fall 2014

This course serves as the senior thesis project. The student will utilize his/her skills in a new and innovative way to develop a project that relates to or has an impact on the entertainment industry. Projects […]

LIB 1201: Research and Documentation for the Information Age Fall 2011

Anne Leonard
Library|LIB1201|Fall 2011

In this course we will explore issues in research and documentation for text (in print and online), images, sound, and multimedia. You will investigate where information comes from and how it is organized in both […]