Kate Poirier’s Profile

Active 14 hours, 52 minutes ago
1 to 12 (of 40)
Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

L4: Living Lab Learning Library

Welcome to L4, a virtual resource exchange of innovative teaching practices. To see all that L4 has to offer, please click on the “Visit Project Site” link.


Bree Zuckerman, Cailean Cooney

This site is a space for creating and sharing H5P content that can be embedded on any OpenLab site. Avatar: ”Close Colors” by goranpg is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Mathematics Department Faculty

Mathematics Department Faculty

A central resource where the Mathematics Department can communicate internally to faculty and staff, with meetings, committees, deadlines, announcements and more.

Math Department Curriculum Committee

Kate Poirier

This site is a place for Math Department Curriculum Committee members to make announcements and share resources and ideas.

Undergraduate Research

Realizing the value of the research experience at the undergraduate level, this project is committed to fostering research opportunities for City Tech students. Faculty and students can use this project as a place […]

OER at City Tech

Cailean Cooney

This site showcases OER at City Tech and shares information for the community to learn more and get involved.

Budget Committee of College Council

Professor Sean Scanlan

Under construction

Connect the DOTS — CST1100

K. Andrew Parker

DOT’s Digital Adventure: A Journey Through Logic Gates

OpenLab OER Working Group

Bree Zuckerman

This group is organized through the Library’s OER program, and will explore, discuss, and spread the word about OpenLab features and functionalities.

Connect the DOTS — PHYS1441

Kate Poirier

DOT’s Next Snack Quest in Vector Land

MAT 1375 Course Hub

Jonas Reitz

Central resource site for MAT 1375 Precalculus, with syllabus, lessons, review sheets, WeBWorK and other resources for students and faculty.