Kendu Green’s Profile

Active 5 months, 1 weeks ago
Kendu Green
Display Name
Kendu Green
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences
Academic interests

Biomedical Informatics


I’m a Biomedical student just looking to do my best in my major and more.

Kendu Green
Kendu Green

My Courses

BIO1101 Lab

BIO1101 Lab

The BIO1101 laboratory course is an introduction to laboratory techniques and their application to the understanding of general biological concepts. It focuses on the fundamental principles of biology, including taxonomy, structure, reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. The concepts of molecular biology and DNA fingerprinting using representative plants and animals are introduced. The course also includes the use and care of the microscope. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the BIO1101 lab, the students will be able to: 1.To learn to be observant and to develop and sharpen those observational and critical thinking skills through inquiry.. 2.To discipline yourself to develop good record-keeping skills, required to be successful in any career you plan to pursue. 3.To learn to think analytically about the observations you have made – to be able to: a.analyze a problem and focus on a hypothesis to be tested. b.determine the best way of testing the hypothesis, and using creativity to solve problems, including interpretation of data. 4.To communicate your findings about the processes studied and results obtained in ways appropriate to the biological sciences, both in written and oral formats. 5.To become familiar with the use of computers to gather, discuss and analyze data 6.To work on collaborative projects and also in teams.

Anatomy & Physiology I

Anatomy & Physiology I

This is the first part of a two semester course. It covers the anatomy and physiology of the cell, tissues, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Prerequisites: BIO 1101, College-level general biology course with lab or a score of 85 or above on the New York State Regent’s exam and CUNY proficiency in reading and writing

Biology 1101

Biology 1101

This course has been designed to expose students to the basic principles of biology, including general, cellular biology, biochemistry, cellular metabolism, molecular biology, and genetics, while having some fun.

Bio1101 General Biology I

Bio1101 General Biology I

Biology 1101 is an introductory Biology course. It focuses on the fundamental principles of biology, including taxonomy, structure, reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. Since Biology is governed by Chemistry, a large emphasis will be placed on basic Chemistry early in the course. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will become conversant on the following topics: 1. The Scientific Method and general scientific inquiry 2. General Inorganic and Organic Chemistry 3. Biochemical make-up of organisms (specifically Biological Macromolecules) 4. Organization of cells and classification of organisms based on cellular complexity and organization 5. Energy, energy production and utilization 6. Reproduction 7. Inheritance 8. Molecular Biology (DNA, gene function, gene regulation) 9. Biotechnology and Genomics The Laboratory associated with this course is meant to reinforce the concepts learned in the lecture and to provide hands-on experience in scientific inquiry and exploration. From the laboratory component, we will better understand data acquisition and data analysis. Most importantly, communication of the findings in the lab will demonstrate the full understanding of learned concepts.

Nutrition (Bio 3524)

Nutrition (Bio 3524)

This course will be based on the study of nutrient constituents of foods, metabolism of nutrients in the body and their role in the human body. We will put special emphasis on specific health problems, especially those involving nutritional deficiencies. Through this course students will develop an understanding of the fundamental principles of nutrition necessary to improve and maintain health, to prevent illness and to provide support and therapy during illness.

My Projects

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research

Realizing the value of the research experience at the undergraduate level, this project is committed to fostering research opportunities for City Tech students. Faculty and students can use this project as a place to share announcements about research opportunities, as well as a place to offer information about the experiences students and faculty have had in their research endeavors. A handbook on effective mentoring, developed by the Undergraduate Research Committee, is currently available for download.

My Clubs

ACI Student Club

ACI Student Club

ACI City Tech student chapter is a club that provides students with connections, resources, and opportunities to be successful in their studies and ultimately in their careers. The American Concrete Institute student club has made membership free and easily accessible through manual sign up. This is a great opening and opportunity to encourage our students to join our club since we are the only ACI student chapter in NY State. Our club is brand new, being established on fall 2012, and we believe that having the chance to attend this convention will not only expose us to the national ACI chapter as a student body but NYC College of Technology as well. We are the advocates of the CMCE department.



The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Program is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). LSAMP or AMP aims to increase the percentage of CUNY students enrolled in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors who conduct faculty mentored research prior to graduating or entering industry. Participants of LSAMP receive a stipends up to $4000. The funding is great, but the research experience (locally and abroad) and recommendation letters that participants receive are greater.

BioMedical Informatics Student Club

BioMedical Informatics Student Club

The Biomedical Informatics (BIB) Student club exists to advocate, provide support and services to fellow Biomedical Informatics undergraduate students here at New York City College of Technology. We aim to assist students in gaining opportunities and discovering information that is relevant and beneficial towards the degree requirement of the program. Through the expansion of knowledge, workshops, field trips and invited speakers, we hope to give students the option to network and attain skills required for classes including the internship. This is a student-run club which is advised by faculty members, Professor Eugenia Giannopoulou and Professor Mai Zahran.

Minority Association of Pre-Medical & Pre-Health Students (M.A.P.S.) Club

Minority Association of Pre-Medical & Pre-Health Students (M.A.P.S.) Club

What is MAPS? -The Minority Association of Pre-Health Students that provides a network of pre-med and pre-health students and chapters nationwide. What is the purpose of MAPS? -To provide underrepresented pre-mhealth students with knowledge, skills, and experience that are both prerequisite and concomitant to professional participation in health care fields. -To improve minority matriculation into all professional health related programs, with an emphasis on medicine. -To foster support and serve as a resource for current and future students interested in health care. For more information about the SNMA or becoming a MAPS member, please contact MAPS club officials by sending an email that includes your name and a contact number to CITYTECHMAPS@SNMA.ORG You may also contact club advisor Dr. Seto at

Alternative Thinktank

Alternative Thinktank

Broad-spectrum & focused exploration of international & local politics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, alternative history, finance, technology, medicine/biotech, resource management, philosophy, spirituality, consciousness, Egyptology, ufology, the occult.

Kendu's Friends

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