kezang dorji’s Profile
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My Courses
ARCH1101 Intro to Architecture
The Introduction to Architecture provides a foundation for students entering the BArch / BTech program to develop a “visual literacy” of the built environment. Using New York City as a living laboratory, students explore concepts of design, composition, and construction in the context of the city through their direct experience of buildings. By practicing the basic skills of sketching, drafting, and reading about buildings, and with the opportunity to present their understanding to others through written assignments and verbal presentations, students will develop methods of representing and presenting architecture verbally and graphically.
My Projects
Central resource site for MAT 1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry, with syllabus, lessons, review sheets, WeBWorK and other resources for students and faculty.
My Clubs
For over 30 years the Architecture Club has been one of the most influential clubs on City Tech’s campus. Each semester students and club members’ gain valuable knowledge from speakers who are invited to come and share their architectural experiences with the club. However, class lectures are no substitute for the personal, eye opening experiences that a field trip can bring.
kezang's Friends
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