Kim Cardascia’s Profile
Student-Ready College Committee
As a committee we are working on enhancing our new student orientation process. We are assessing and enhancing all steps from the moment a student is accepted into the college to their first year experience.
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Welcome to New York City College of Technology. We are excited that you have chosen City Tech to pursue your college degree and we hope City Tech will provide you with many opportunities for success. Please feel […]
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- ResourceCollege Resource
The Diversity and Inclusion in the Curriculum and Education (DICE) subcommittee of College Council Curriculum Committee encourages the incorporation of diversity and inclusion in the curriculum and in the […]
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- CloneableCloneable
Project Wayfinding is a college-wide effort to answer the question “How can Faculty, staff, and students effectively provide/use accurate information for academic career planning from Day 1 through Graduation?”
Reading Effectively Across The Disciplines – Biology
This project serves to disseminate material generated by the reading initiative of City Tech. Please feel free to contribute, discuss and take part.
- OpenOpen
Please visit the site to comment on City Tech’s institutional self-study, prepared as part of the college’s re-accreditation process. Your experience and insights are of critical importance to the cyclical pla […]
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