katiemh80’s Profile

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The BIO1101 laboratory course is an introduction to laboratory techniques and their application to the understanding of general biological concepts. It focuses on the fundamental principles of biology, including taxonomy, structure, reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. The concepts of molecular biology and DNA fingerprinting using representative plants and animals are introduced. The course also includes the use and care of the microscope. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the BIO1101 lab, the students will be able to: 1.To learn to be observant and to develop and sharpen those observational and critical thinking skills through inquiry.. 2.To discipline yourself to develop good record-keeping skills, required to be successful in any career you plan to pursue. 3.To learn to think analytically about the observations you have made – to be able to: a.analyze a problem and focus on a hypothesis to be tested. b.determine the best way of testing the hypothesis, and using creativity to solve problems, including interpretation of data. 4.To communicate your findings about the processes studied and results obtained in ways appropriate to the biological sciences, both in written and oral formats. 5.To become familiar with the use of computers to gather, discuss and analyze data 6.To work on collaborative projects and also in teams.
This course has been designed to expose students to the basic principles of biology, including general, cellular biology, biochemistry, cellular metabolism, molecular biology, and genetics, while having some fun.
Biology 1101 is an introductory Biology course. It focuses on the fundamental principles of biology, including taxonomy, structure, reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. Since Biology is governed by Chemistry, a large emphasis will be placed on basic Chemistry early in the course. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will become conversant on the following topics: 1. The Scientific Method and general scientific inquiry 2. General Inorganic and Organic Chemistry 3. Biochemical make-up of organisms (specifically Biological Macromolecules) 4. Organization of cells and classification of organisms based on cellular complexity and organization 5. Energy, energy production and utilization 6. Reproduction 7. Inheritance 8. Molecular Biology (DNA, gene function, gene regulation) 9. Biotechnology and Genomics The Laboratory associated with this course is meant to reinforce the concepts learned in the lecture and to provide hands-on experience in scientific inquiry and exploration. From the laboratory component, we will better understand data acquisition and data analysis. Most importantly, communication of the findings in the lab will demonstrate the full understanding of learned concepts.
MAT 1190 Quantitative Reasoning Fall 2014
Students develop and apply mathematical, logical, critical thinking, and statistical skills to solve problems in real-world contexts. They acquire skills in the fields of algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and mathematical modeling.The course incorporates opportunities within the classroom to develop students’ reading, writing, oral, and listening skills in a mathematical context.
An introduction to the basic concepts and theories used by sociologists to analyze social institutions and the social behavior of individuals and groups. We begin by studying the development of sociology as a science and the major contemporary sociological theories: functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and feminism; then we look in detail into their research methods. After this general overview we focus on the dimensions of structural inequality: gender, race, and class. Finally, we study immigration and globalization, paying special attention to their social consequences. As we examine each topic, students also learn how to perform basic sociological analyses of quantitative data. The main goal of the course is to help students develop the necessary skill to interpret contemporary social life, both as a collective and an individual experience. ______________________________ Course avatar: Photo by David Iliff (Thames Riverside.) License: CC-BY-SA 3.0. (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Richmond_Riverside_London_-_Sept_2008.jpg)
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