Kara Hughes’s Profile
In ENG2570, we will hone writing skills that are often used in the workplace. Through eight units of study, we will create various deliverables (business letters, memos, minutes, process papers, and reports) and […]
In ENG1121, we will explore four writing tasks – summary, critical reading/critique, synthesis, and research. Our semester will be divided into six units of focused study: • unit 1: annotation, MLA citation, bes […]
- OpenOpen
An introduction to all phases of the writing process, including pre-writing, composition, editing, and revision. Our papers will be written in three rhetorical modes (process, narrative, and argument) and will ask […]
- OpenOpen
In ENG1121, we will explore four writing tasks – summary, critical reading/critique, synthesis, and research. Our semester will be divided into six units of focused study: • unit 1: annotation, MLA citation, bes […]
- OpenOpen
An introduction to all phases of the writing process, including pre-writing, composition, editing, and revision. Our papers will be written in three rhetorical modes (process, narrative, and argument) and will ask […]