Justyna Varela’s Profile

Active 2 years, 8 months ago
Justyna Varela
Display Name
Justyna Varela
Major Program of Study
Dental Hygiene

My Courses

ENG1101 CD308 Fall 2018

ENG1101 CD308 Fall 2018

We make ideas concrete. In order to do that, we first accept that writing is a process — an act in which we will participate our whole life long. Music, art, electronics, engineering — you name it — whatever we pursue, we strive to find better ways to flow with the rules of written expression in order to achieve our dreams. We are determined to work hard in order to play well with Language. Let the games begin. What we will express this year has never been said before.

Oral Anatomy FALL 2019

Oral Anatomy FALL 2019

Welcome new students! Our OpenLab site is now open. You can send your membership requests and join the group if you haven’t done so already. I will begin posting information for the coming semester. Please click on “Visit Course Site” to get there. Prof. Matthews

DEN1114 Histology & Embryology Fall 2019/Winter 2020

DEN1114 Histology & Embryology Fall 2019/Winter 2020

DEN 1114 is a fundamental course that will assist in the development of the dental hygiene competencies. Basic principles of histology and embryology are studied with emphasis on tissues of the oral cavity and contiguous structures and their clinical considerations in dental hygiene treatment. Knowledge of the normal tissues of the oral cavity and surrounding structures is the basis for understanding diseases and abnormalities that are commonly encountered in dental hygiene practice. Also included is the study of the development of the face, oral cavity, the tooth and its surrounding structures.

DEN 1100 Fall 2019 -Principles of Dental Hygiene Care 1

DEN 1100 Fall 2019 -Principles of Dental Hygiene Care 1

An introduction to the didactic and clinical techniques and principles involved in the practice of dental hygiene. Emphasis is on the principles of optimal patient care including: aseptic techniques, patient assessment, personal oral hygiene and plaque control, fundamentals of instrumentation and related body mechanics, principles of instrument sharpening and emerging modalities.

DEN 2413 Introduction to Dental Public Health sp2021

DEN 2413 Introduction to Dental Public Health sp2021

The dental hygienist’s role as an educator and resource person in the field of public and community health is examined. Students demonstrate competence in assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating community-based service learning projects.

My Projects

DEN1200 Student Presentations Spring-2020

DEN1200 Student Presentations Spring-2020

Student research review presentations

My Clubs



Student American Dental Hygiene Association is a student organization for first and second-year Dental Hygiene students, faculty, and alumni. Please become a member by clicking “Join now” and Welcome to SADHA!