Jonathan Dhani’s Profile

Active 4 years, 4 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5)
Seekers Christian Fellowship

Seekers Christian Fellowship

We are a non-denominational Christian fellowship of campus students,faculty and/or staff. Our aim is to help fellow students meet their spiritual needs in Christ through prayer, worship and bible studies. […]

Mechatronics Technology Center Research Lab & Club

Andy S. Zhang, Leticia Donkor

Platform for students from different engineering departments to engage in mechatronics research and to work on hands-on mechatronics projects.

Mechanical Club (ASME Student Chapter)

Andy S. Zhang

Mechanical Engineering Club serves as a junior chapter of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in City Tech. The club promotes hands-on learning through multidisciplinary design activities and exposing […]

Industrial Design Club

Industrial Design Club

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Technology

Energy and Environmental Simulation Laboratory (EES Lab)

Research Lab Website: Lab Profile (this site): Energy and Environmental Simulation […]