Mechatronics Technology Center Research Lab & Club

active 2 months ago
Mechatronics Technology Center Research Lab & Club
This Club is OPEN.
School / Office
Technology & Design
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Academic, College, Community, Social, Student
Club Description

Platform for students from different engineering departments to engage in mechatronics research and to work on hands-on mechatronics projects.

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This club was created by: Andy S. Zhang, Leticia Donkor

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[ Announce the next club meeting date and location. Remember to add […] See MoreNext Meeting

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Fall Projects 2015

is there a live .pdf that can be downloaded so I can get started on trying to catch up on the ongoing projects? I currently work full time during the day and take night classes. Willing to sacrifice any free time to play catch up. Any […] See MoreFall Projects 2015

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