Joharilee’s Profile

Active 5 years ago
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My Courses

ENG1101LC33 Fall 2019

ENG1101LC33 Fall 2019

This course connects the science of Biology with the issues, problems and promises created by that science. We will explore the connection between the science of Biology and the real world issues, for example how global warming affects flooding and droughts as well as how both fields ask effective questions.

ENG 1121 Composition II D435, SPRING2020

ENG 1121 Composition II D435, SPRING2020

Welcome to ENG 1121! This course builds on its prerequisite ENG 1101 as part of the first-year writing program. As we embark on this journey, you will deepen your analysis and understanding of writing and rhetoric as you explore new genres and examine how others create genres in response to various situations. You will develop awareness of the power of language and discourse in different communities, and examine research to understand how genres are reflective of our perspectives on varying issues as well as embody tentative solutions to real-world problems. You will also engage in conversations and reflection as you are given opportunities to write in a variety of genres across a wide array of situations. Throughout this journey, you will be provided with tools to help you be successful in your reading and writing process and build your awareness of your writing choices. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with the rhetorical knowledge, skills and tools so that you are able to transfer them into other writing situations, whether in future coursework, the workplace, or your personal lives. In exploring situations beyond the scope of this class, our expectation is that you can become a successful writer in your college career and beyond.

Bio1101 LC62 FA2019

Bio1101 LC62 FA2019

Bio1101 lab deals with hands on knowledge to employ scientific reasoning and logical thinking. This coarse provides students the basic skills of scientific methods, how to handle microscopes, to understand life in terms of macro molecules, and the inheritance patterns etc.

My Projects

FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

Welcome to the First Year Learning Communities Open Lab project page. If you are interested in joining the Reflective Writing Project or just learning more about events, resources and information related to the FYLCs at City Tech please request membership!

My Clubs

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Joharilee's Friends

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