Jill Belli’s Profile

Active 3 days, 3 hours ago
25 to 35 (of 35)
Negotiating Networks and Dealing with Data: Composing our Digital Selves in an Online World

Negotiating Networks and Dealing with Data: Composing our Digital Selves in an Online World

Jill Belli
1101|Spring 2014

This semester we will explore how/why personal identity, relationships, authenticity, privacy, and communication/composing change in “digital” spaces. We will think through our digital selves (how and why we per […]

Professor Belli, ENG 3773-D576: Advanced Technical Writing, Fall 2014

Professor Belli, ENG 3773-D576: Advanced Technical Writing, Fall 2014

Jill Belli
3773|Fall 2014

An advanced course in effective technical writing techniques, including traditional technical writing forms and world wide web communication. This course will have students use electronic media such as internet, […]

The Composition of Happiness

The Composition of Happiness

Jill Belli
ENG 1101 / HUS 1101|Fall 2014

Professor Jill Belli (English) & Professor Justine Pawlukewicz (Human Services) Ever wonder what happiness really is? In this English and Human Services learning community, you’ll explore–from pop culture, pos […]

ENG 2420: Science Fiction

ENG 2420: Science Fiction

Jill Belli
2420|Spring 2015

English 2420 combines analysis of science fiction as literature with consideration of the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. In class discussions and essays, students […]

ENG 2720: Writing with New Media

ENG 2720: Writing with New Media

Jill Belli
2720|Fall 2015

An exploration of the changing nature of composition practices and rhetorical strategies in the digital age. Students are introduced to a variety of digital writing platforms that expand communicative practices […]

OpenLab Sandbox

Bree Zuckerman
OpenLab 101

Sandbox course for OpenLab workshops

ENG1101 Model Course

Carrie Hall, Jacquelyn Blain
1101|Spring 2021

This is a model course for ENG 1101

ENG4900, Summer2023

ENG4900, Summer2023

Shauna Chung
ENG 4900|Summer 2023

This is an online asynchronous course facilitated by Dr. Shauna Chung. The course involves the following: Students complete a 120-hour internship. Class activities provide an opportunity for discussions and […]

ENGL2720 Writing with New Media, Spring 2023

ENGL2720 Writing with New Media, Spring 2023

Shauna Chung
ENG 2720|Spring 2023

This is Professor Shauna Chung’s course site for ENG 2720, ”Writing with New Media.” In this class, students will learn how to leverage the affordances and constraints of new media through critical analysis of […]

Utopias & Dystopias (ENG 2000: Perspectives in Literature)

Jill Belli
2000|Spring 2014

This course is an introduction to literature through the lens of “utopia,” or the desire for a different, better way of being. Through exploring short stories, novels, poetry, songs, advertisements, films, TV sho […]

ARCH4710 Urban Design, SP2015

J A Montgomery
Architectural T...|4710|Spring 2015

This design course will cover a range of urban and architectural design issues. Students will explore both the theoretical and pragmatic aspects of design applied in an urban environment. As an advanced design […]