Jill Belli’s Profile
Professor Belli: ENG 1101 / 5335 (Fall 2012)
Professor Belli: ENG 1101 / 5335 (Fall 2012)
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Professor Belli: ENG 1121 / 5477 (Fall 2012)
Professor Belli: ENG 1121 / 5477 (Fall 2012)
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Professor Belli: ENG 1121 / 5440 (Fall 2012)
Professor Belli: ENG 1121 / 5440 (Fall 2012)
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English 2420 combines analysis of science fiction as literature with consideration of the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. In class discussions and essays, students […]
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English 2001: Introduction to Literature I Fiction
Together, we will learn the elements of fiction and practice close reading through various short stories and two post-apocalyptic novels that explore notions of identity, storytelling, and imagining other […]
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Study of science fiction literature and film, with attention to cultural implications of the genre. Explores the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. Projects, […]
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English 2420 combines analysis of science fiction as literature with consideration of the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. In class discussions and essays, students […]
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Utopias & Dystopias (ENG 3402: Topics in Literature)
This course explores a specific idea or theme in English-language literature. Discussion and analysis of texts related to the course topic. Topics change each semester and have included humor, vampires and zombies, […]
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Self-Help Literature (ENG 3402: Topics in Literature)
Do you dream of having more happiness, success, or love? Of getting better grades, jobs, relationships, or sleep? If so, you are not alone! Countless people want more from their lives and from others, and they turn […]
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Films from Literature (Science Fiction)
”This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through classroom discussions and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and contemporary […]
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ENG 1101-O171 (English Composition I)
A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. Avatar credit:
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”Study of science fiction literature and film, with attention to cultural implications of the genre. Explores the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. Projects, […]
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