Jessica Vignapiano’s Profile

Active 2 years, 5 months ago
Jessica Vignapiano
Display Name
Jessica Vignapiano
Major Program of Study
Dental Hygiene

My Courses

DEN 2300: Seminar & Clinic Fall 2022

DEN 2300: Seminar & Clinic Fall 2022

Advanced didactic material and clinical experience. The instructor serves as a group facilitator who assists the student in developing an appreciation for the concepts, topics and procedures related to the clinical experience and in integrating the material into the practice of clinical oral hygiene.

DEN2400L Spring 2018

DEN2400L Spring 2018

DEN 2400 presents the didactic material, which correlates with the clinical experience, provided in DEN 2400L. The Clinical Faculty serves as group facilitators who assist the students in developing an awareness of and appreciation for the concepts, topics, and procedures related to the Dental Hygiene profession.

DEN 2413 Introduction to Dental Public Health sp2018

DEN 2413 Introduction to Dental Public Health sp2018

The dental hygienist’s role as an educator and resource person in the field of public and community health is examined. Field Experience and participation in dental education programs are included.

DEN 1100 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I, Fall 2016

DEN 1100 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I, Fall 2016

An introduction to the didactic and clinical techniques and principles involved in the practice of dental hygiene. Emphasis is on the principles of optimal patient care including: aseptic techniques, patient assessment, personal oral hygiene and plaque control, fundamentals of instrumentation and related body mechanics, principles of instrument sharpening and emerging modalities.

2017 Oral Pathology

2017 Oral Pathology

All Sections

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Jessica Vignapiano hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

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