Jean Holmi Germain’s Profile

Active 3 years, 4 months ago
Jean Holmi Germain
Display Name
Jean Holmi Germain
Major Program of Study
Health Sciences

My Courses



English 2002 is an introduction to drama, a course in which we will study plays written during several historical periods drawing from many cultural traditions. We will approach plays as works of art, reading, discussing, analyzing, and writing about the texts so that we become acquainted with dramatic conventions and elements such as plot, character, theme, dialogue, conflict, setting, scene, rhetorical and linguistic devices, music and costume, and dramatic forms such as tragedy and comedy.

ENG1121 English Composition 2, FA2020 OL12

ENG1121 English Composition 2, FA2020 OL12

Together, we will explore and write within new genres, conduct research, and reflect on our writing practices. By the end of this semester, you’ll be able to analyze and participate in genres inside and outside of higher education. The aim is to build skills that will be useful in future coursework, the workplace, and in your personal lives. In other words, this course isn’t self-contained—we’re aiming to give you a toolbox of skills that you can apply to other classes and situations.

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