Jasmyn Cooper’s Profile
COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site
This site is designed to help you find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor such as an advertising agency, graphic […]
- OpenOpen
ENG 2400 Films from Literature, Fall 2020
ENG 2400 is a course that allows students to examine the relationship between films and their literary sources. Through online classroom discussion and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and […]
Development of each student’s strategy for entering the design profession. Cumulative work will be critiqued by faculty and professional advisers. Students edit and re ne their portfolios to meet professional s […]
- CloneableCloneable
COMD4900 OL72 Internship Spring 2022 Goetz
Student is assigned to find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor. Approved Sites include advertising agencies, […]
- OpenOpen
ENG 2400 Film from Literature, Spring 2021
ENG 2400 is a course that allows students to examine the relationship between films and their literary sources. Through online classroom discussion and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and […]
- OpenOpen
COMD3701 Design Studio, FA19 – Garrastegui
Working independently, each student researches, conceptualizes and develops an in-depth project, across media channels, which uses design-thinking to address a contemporary issue.
- CloneableCloneable
“I went into photography because it seemed like the perfect vehicle for commenting on the madness of today’s existence.” — Robert Mapplethorpe This course surveys the history of photography from its beginni […]
- OpenOpen
COMD3521 Motion Graphics 1 Spring 2019
Introduction to the theory and principles of motion graphics. The course will explore the role of motion graphics in dynamic digital media for video, television, the internet, DVD interface design, video game […]
COMD1112 D114 Digital Media Foundations Spring 2019 Goetz
This course introduces students to core concepts in the media field including color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. During the semester, students will […]
- OpenOpen
COMD 2313 Introduction to Illustration, Tuesdays FA2018
This course is a practical introduction to the field of illustration. Focus will be places on process work and professional practices, presented within contemporary and historical context. Course includes […]
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