Jailyn’s Profile

Active 5 years, 11 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology

My Courses

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Spring 2018

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Spring 2018

http://websupport1.citytech.cuny.edu/Faculty/fmasiello/index.htm Please note the syllabus on that website has not been updated. The correct current syllabus is below. D550 Fridays 11:30 – 2:00 This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through classroom discussions and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and contemporary literary texts and their cinematic versions. Students will examine the relationship between film and literature, with specific focus on the techniques used in fiction, drama and film and the influences of censorship and society. Students will focus on the similarities and differences of literary works adapted into films.

ENT 4900/4901 Internship F2017

ENT 4900/4901 Internship F2017

For ENT Majors: work experience at a professional scenery fabrication shop, rental/supply house, off- Broadway theater, or any related industry organization approved by the adviser. For Emerging Media Tech Majors, work experience at a design firm, media electronics firm, media software firm, robotics firm, entertainment or media production firm, or any related industry organization approved by the adviser. This will serve to bridge the student’s academic and commercial careers by giving the him/her professional work experience and industry contacts before the end of the senior year. Each student will keep a log/journal to be shared in group seminars. Supervision will be by faculty and a manager at the internship site. Prerequisite: ENT 4410 or ENT 4450 or ENT 4470 or ENT 4480 or Pre- or corequisite: MTEC 3800

ENT3390 Sound for Multimedia, Spring 2016

ENT3390 Sound for Multimedia, Spring 2016

ENT 3390 Sound of Multimedia, Spring 2016

ENT 1190 Introduction to Film and Video Production (Terao) Fall 2015

ENT 1190 Introduction to Film and Video Production (Terao) Fall 2015

An introduction to the basic components and practices of preproduction and production methodologies for content creation in commercial video and film production. Through lectures, reading assignments, screenings and practice, students will learn the basics of all stages of production inclusive of the processes of forming and working in production management teams, creating effective production aesthetics in pre-production and production stages, scriptwriting and storyboarding, cinematography aesthetics (lighting and camera), and design and graphics functions in editing. Students will explore several modes of communication such as commercials, public service announcements, fictive works, documentary and journalism and learn how to convey information and messages to a target audience.

GOV 1101 American Government Spring 2016 Perez-Rios

GOV 1101 American Government Spring 2016 Perez-Rios

Institutions of the Federal Government

My Projects

ENT4499 Template Portfolio

ENT4499 Template Portfolio

Template Culmination Project

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