
Bienvenue! I’m Jailyn Alicea, I’ve been an Entertainment Technology Department Major at Citytech for about 4 and a half years. My two tracks are video and sound. Although, throughout my semesters here I’ve learned aspects of lighting, production and editing. I want to use these skills outside of college towards future film projects , video editing jobs, and creating my own music.

For my culmination project,  I will show a short film inspired by the women in my life and how they’ve impacted my future. The film will show interviews of women such as my mother, my grandmother and my friend. Each interview will show their stories, what struggles they have went through in their lives and where they are today. This will include a voiceover of me narrating and explaining how they have inspired to make decisions in my life. I will be directing, producing and editing this project. I will be using all skills I have learned to create this project (lighting, sound, production and video editing). My mission is to show my story to other women creating a conversation and an outlet to empower them.