isaiah2099’s Profile

Active 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology

My Courses

MTEC1101-HD88 – Emerging Media Foundations – Spring 2024

MTEC1101-HD88 – Emerging Media Foundations – Spring 2024

This course is an introduction to emerging, interactive multi-media technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project-based, cooperative learning. Students will be immersed in the protocols and processes of emerging and interactive media design, including: idea development, research, documentation, presentation, prototyping, and production, which will serve them in the face of rapid changes in technology. Students will explore basic theoretical and applied concepts of audio, visual, haptic, immersive, sensory and interaction design through creative group projects, visiting professionals, field trips and online documentation of their work.

MTEC 1001 –  Game Design and Media SkillsSpring 2023

MTEC 1001 – Game Design and Media SkillsSpring 2023

An introduction to the study and analysis of emerging technologies and how this relates to and informs practical process. Students will examine how technologies have evolved historically and develop perspectives on how they would best be used in the future. Major topics will include media and computing history, human-computer interaction, computers and culture, and the ethical and social implications of new technologies. Conceptual frameworks in the field of New Media and Studies of Emerging Technology will be explored through a series of readings, which include articles, books and essays that explore technology and its broader implications on society, ethics and cultural production. Through the application of close reads, critical analysis and discussions students will write and create multimodule projects about contemporary issues surfacing around emerging technology and how they apply to their own media production and consumption. This class will function as an incubator, which nurtures discussion, multiple forms of writing and the sharing of ideas.

My Projects

Isaiah2099’s Portfolio page

Isaiah2099’s Portfolio page

Create a portfolio page about myself, shouldn’t be too hard since i’m clearly radical

Week 1 project

Week 1 project

Week one logos

My Clubs

Wizz Wonders Game Development

Wizz Wonders Game Development

The Wizz Wonders club aims to provide a community for students interested in all things game design to congregate and express their creativity. We are in partnership with the Bronx Gaming Network! We put together events, such as game jams, in order to practice and show off skills learned from the club. We welcome students at any skill level, we will try our best to teach you fundamentals so you can make your ideas a reality! Club details: We meet every Thursday AND Monday 12:45 – 2:15 PM (room V-120 Thursdays, room v-119 Mondays)! Discord: Email:

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