isaiah2099’s Profile

Active 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

ENG2420.OL76, Sp2024

Robert Lestón
ENG 2420|Spring 2024

Study of science fiction literature and film, with attention to cultural implications of the genre. Explores the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. Projects, […]

MTEC1101-HD88 – Emerging Media Foundations – Spring 2024

Sean Michael Landers
MTEC1101|Spring 2024

This course is an introduction to emerging, interactive multi-media technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project-based, cooperative learning. Students will be immersed in the protocols and processes of […]

MTEC 1001 – Game Design and Media SkillsSpring 2023

Chloe Smolarski
MTEC 1001|Spring 2023

An introduction to the study and analysis of emerging technologies and how this relates to and informs practical process. Students will examine how technologies have evolved historically and develop perspectives […]