Isaiah Martin’s Profile

Active 5 years, 2 months ago
Isaiah Martin
Display Name
Isaiah Martin

My Courses



This course in­tro­duces stu­dents to core con­cepts in the media field in­clud­ing color the­ory, de­sign and pro­duc­tion ter­mi­nol­ogy, re­pro­duc­tion processes, file for­mats and sub­strates. Dur­ing the se­mes­ter, stu­dents will com­plete three pages of their own ePort­fo­lio web site, com­plete a print de­sign pro­ject and one video pro­ject. Lec­tures will pro­vide stu­dents with a his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive of the media field as well as dis­cussing cur­rent prac­tices and fu­ture trends.

COMD1257 Type II, FA2019-W

COMD1257 Type II, FA2019-W

In­tro­duces a va­ri­ety of basic lay­outs and for­mats, build­ing tech­ni­cal and prac­ti­cal flu­ency in set­ting and work­ing with type for both print and screen. This course fur­ther ex­plores top­ics learned in COMD 1127 Type and Media, such as type­face se­lec­tion and the use of the ty­po­graph­i­cal grids. Prob­lem-solv­ing for most com­mon ty­po­graph­i­cal prob­lems is dis­cussed.

COMD1127 Type & Media, Sp2019

COMD1127 Type & Media, Sp2019

This is a foun­da­tion course in ty­pog­ra­phy with an em­pha­sis on using type for a mul­ti­ple of in­dus­try re­lated ap­pli­ca­tions rang­ing from print to in­ter­ac­tive. Stu­dents will be in­tro­duced to prin­ci­ples of type de­sign and ter­mi­nol­ogy in­clud­ing: vari­a­tions of type struc­ture, anatomy, font usage, grid, lead­ing, kern­ing, track­ing and align­ment. Stu­dents will learn in­dus­try stan­dard soft­ware such as In­De­sign on the Mac­in­tosh op­er­at­ing sys­tem.

ENG1101-Freshman Writing/Emotions 1101

EN­G1101-Fresh­man Writ­ing/Emo­tions 1101

This EN­G1101 course in­tro­duces con­cepts of crit­i­cal writ­ing and think­ing along with skills in­te­gral to con­struct­ing and doc­u­ment­ing a col­lege-level essay. As a First Year Learn­ing Com­mu­nity, we will pair with Psy­chol­ogy 1101 to ex­plore the emo­tional im­pact of the first year col­lege tran­si­tion and con­sider ways to iden­tify and deal with new stres­sors.

COMD1100 GP1 SPRING 2019

COMD1100 GP1 SPRING 2019

This hands-on mixed media course ex­plores the basic prin­ci­ples of de­sign and de­vel­ops flu­ency in the vi­sual lex­i­con. We ex­plore two-di­men­sional de­sign and color the­ory and graphic com­mu­ni­ca­tion through the un­der­stand­ing of the el­e­ments and prin­ci­ples of de­sign, as well as the de­sign process, in­clud­ing idea de­vel­op­ment through final ex­e­cu­tion. We will de­velop fun­da­men­tal skills in two-di­men­sional de­sign, color and con­tent cre­ation while em­ploy­ing the de­sign process of re­search, sketch­ing and ex­per­i­men­ta­tion.

My Projects

FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

FYLC – First Year Learn­ing Com­mu­ni­ties

Wel­come to the First Year Learn­ing Com­mu­ni­ties Open Lab pro­ject page. If you are in­ter­ested in join­ing the Re­flec­tive Writ­ing Pro­ject or just learn­ing more about events, re­sources and in­for­ma­tion re­lated to the FYLCs at City Tech please re­quest mem­ber­ship!

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