Henry LaBoy’s Profile

Active 5 years, 4 months ago
1 to 6 (of 6)

EMT 1150

Henry LaBoy
Computer Engine...|EMT1150|Fall 2013

Students learn how to analyze electrical circuits in detail including series circuits, parallel circuits, and combination series-parallel (or combination parallel-series) circuits. In addition students learn much more…

EMT 1220 Mechanisms Laboratory

Henry LaBoy
Computer Engine...|EMT 1220 L|Spring 2016

Reverse Engineering/Product Design with Electrical Mechanical Interfacing, Automatic Control System Feedback, Servo and Stepper Motors, linkages, gears, transmissions, differentials, cams, levers, belts, […]


Henry LaBoy
Computer Engine...|EMT1111|Fall 2013

Students are expected to learn, practice, and demonstrate understanding of programming with respect to computer systems. They are to be currently making extensive use of two language applications/environments: […]

COMD1100 Fall 2015

Larisa Daiga
Communication D...|COMD 1100|Fall 2015

This basic design and color theory course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements and principles of design, as well as the design process, including idea development through final […]


Henry LaBoy
Computer Engine...|EMT 1130|Fall 2013

The student is trained in the proper selection and use of various hand and machine tools used in the assembly, testing and maintenance of electromechanical equipment and devices. Students construct their own […]


Henry LaBoy
Computer Engine...|EMT1111|Fall 2013

Students are expected to learn, practice, and demonstrate understanding of programming with respect to computer systems. They are to be currently making extensive use of two language applications/environments: […]