Edison Teano’s Profile

Active 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

Mathematics Department Adjunct Faculty

Mathematics Department Adjunct Faculty

Jonas Reitz

A central resource where the Mathematics Department can communicate internally with adjunct faculty, with meetings, deadlines, announcements and more.

MAT 1275 Course Hub

Jonas Reitz, Ariane Masuda

Central resource site for MAT 1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry, with syllabus, lessons, review sheets, WeBWorK and other resources for students and faculty.

2016-2017 Opening Gateways Faculty Seminar

ā€œOpening Gateways to Completion: Open Digital Pedagogies for Student Success in STEMā€ is a 5-year, $3.2 million grant funded by the U.S. Department of Educationā€™s Supporting Hispanic-Serving Institutions progr […]