Edwin Tito’s Profile
ENG1121 COMP II SPRING 2019 Section 421
This is one of several sections of a new curriculum for English 1121 that is beginning this semester. In English 1121, we will continue the work we had begun in English 1101. This class aims to take the […]
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EMT 1150 Electrical Circuits – Fall 2018
Sections: D372-LEC & D376-LEC Introduction to the basic principles of direct and alternating current circuits. Topics include linear and nonlinear passive components, transient response and phase relationships. […]
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SPRING 2021 ENG 1141-OL06: Introduction to Creative Writing
This introductory course in creative writing includes exercises to identify and engage your creative voice, discussions of craft and technique, readings aimed to build critical reading and workshopping skills, and […]
A continuation of MAT 1475. Topics include Taylor polynomials, Mean Value Theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin series, tests of convergence, techniques of integration, improper integrals, areas, volumes and arclength.
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Topics include functions, limits, differentiation, and tangent lines, L’Hôpital’s Rule, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Applications.
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ENG1101 Composition I, D417 / C417 Fall 2018
ENG 1101 is the first section of the college composition cycle.
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