Eddie’s Profile

Mathematics and Engineering Sciences
I am a part time student at New York City College of Technology. I work full time at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene as a Public Records Aide. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York City. I am practicing and learning in how to play guitar. My favorite genre of interests is Blues, Heavy Metal, Rock and Roll and Classic Rock and Roll.
Mathematics was not my best subject in school and I have very much improved. I was able to obtain a grade point average of 3.4 from the last semester that I was in college. I have taken algebra in geometry and trigonometry. I have previously finished taking pre-calculus during the 2013 winter session with an A-. I have to seek constant help from tutors.
My major is Electromechanical Engineering for my Associate Degree and wish to go on taking Computer Engineering for a Bachelor Degree. I do like working with my hands in putting things together and solving mechanical problems. Sometimes, I would solve mechanical issues at home and some electronic issues when the problems do occur. Right now, I am interested in how to maintain Guitar Tube Amplifiers. This is old technology that is still in use today for the music industry because most musicians and sound engineers feel that a tube amplifier gives the best sound for both sound recording and live shows. I do like using computers and this is the technology of the future. I use it everyday at work and at home. I could send emails, learn history, learn a new song through tablatures and maintain my finances. Also, I would use a computer for school purposes.
My Courses
Topics include functions, limits, differentiation, tangent lines, L’Hôpital’s Rule, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Applications.
My Projects
Eddie hasn't created or joined any projects yet.
My Clubs
Music Club formed to promote musicality among students in City Tech. The club consists of students who enjoy and play music. Vocalists and Instrumentalists alike.
What do mathematicians do? Can mathematics be fun and interesting? Do you like free pizza? The Math Club is open to everyone with an interest in logic puzzles, games of chance or strategy, and mathematics in general. We host a variety of math related events, math talks, math games, math puzzles, field trips, math competitions, and more. Feel free to stop by on Thursdays in Namm N719, from 1-2pm.