Ebony Star’s Profile

Active 2 years, 1 month ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

The Buzz

Welcome to The Buzz, a student blogging site dedicated to all things City Tech–from how to handle the pressures of school, to what movies to see. Join the discussion by adding a comment to a post you like, or by […]

CUNY Service Corps

The CUNY Service Corps will mobilize CUNY students, faculty and staff to work on projects that improve the short and long-term civic, economic and environmental sustainability of New York City and of its residents […]

The BFA Show 2020

Jenna Spevack, Sara Gómez Woolley, tgoetz

City Tech’s Communication Design department presents the inaugural BFA Student Show! This online exhibition showcases the excellent work of current COMD students in eight categories: Advertising, Animation / […]