Eamon Kirby’s Profile

Active 2 years ago
1 to 5 (of 5)

American Government, Alexander Sections

Benjamin F. Alexander
GOV 1101|Fall 2024

This is the introductory course in American Government, with the main focus on the national level but some attention to state and local levels as well. This OpenLab site contains course materials as well as links […]



Prof. Tewani, Ivana Radivojevic Jovanovic
CHEM 1110L

This laboratory course is a co-requisite for General Chemistry – 1110. One three hour laboratory meeting per week and a total of 15 meetings per semester.

English 2190

English 2190

Caroline Chamberlin Hellman
English 2190|Spring 2021

Expressions of Identity: Gender/ Ethnicity/ Sexuality & Space

ENG 2400 Films from Literature

Prof. Masiello
ENG 2400|Spring 2019

This is a course comparing motion pictures to their literary source stories. D550 Fridays 11:30 – 2:00 This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. […]

MAT1275, SP2018

MAT1275, SP2018

Nadia Benakli
Computer Engine...|MAT1275|Spring 2018

College Algebra and Trigonometry An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, the distance and midpoint formula, graphing parabolas and circles, systems of linear and […]