Dree Morin’s Profile

Active 5 years, 3 months ago
Dree Morin
Display Name
Dree Morin
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Graphic Design

My Courses

COMD 4900 Internship in Advertising Graphic Design SMR15

COMD 4900 Internship in Advertising Graphic Design SMR15

Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately eighteen plus hours per week at a graphic arts-related internship site approved by the department internship director. Sites may be in areas such as advertising, printing, corporate communications or publishing. Students keep a log/journal to be shared in group seminars/discussions. Supervision is by faculty and by the job supervisor.

Portfolio COMD4801 Spring Term – 2017

Portfolio COMD4801 Spring Term – 2017

This course develops of each student’s strategy for entering the design profession by developing your professional portfolio and expanding your knowledge of the Design industry.

Digital Photograhy

Digital Photograhy

This course will explore the foundational concepts of light and exposure in photography. The student will develop framing and compositional skills as well as an understanding of photography as representation. Students will become acquainted with a wide range of contemporary photographers and gain an understanding of how photographic style transforms subject matter into meaning. Using professional lighting equipment, cameras and software, the student will gain hands-on experience capturing, processing, and printing digital images in the studio as well as in the field.

ADV 2340 Digital Photography 2

ADV 2340 Digital Photography 2

In this advanced class, the emphasis will be on creative problem solving with photography for the Communication Design field. The emphasis will be on using style to transform subject matter in order to communicate ideas. The first half of the semester will use still life photography to explore photographic style while the second half of the semester will focus outdoor work including street photography, urban landscape and on-location work. Students will be exposed to a wide range of contemporary photographers from a range of genres. Advanced digital darkroom, color correction, and color management procedures will be covered in addition to facilitate students’ professional-level portfolio development.

ADV2450 Web Design 1

ADV2450 Web Design 1

A required course for all Advertising Design and Graphic Arts students. Topics include creative user interface design and best workflow practice. Students will design a website using an (X)HTML template, and will develop design, typography and web programming skills. (X)HTML and CSS will be taught.

My Projects

The Open Road

The Open Road

The Open Road is our place to highlight all that’s possible on the OpenLab. Join now to keep up on OpenLab news, events, and updates. Check our weekly In the Spotlight posts for a glimpse into the incredible work being done by City Tech students, faculty, and staff. Follow OpenLab News for announcements and site updates. And see our OpenLab Calendar for office hours, events, and workshops. You can find our workshop schedule and signup for workshops here as well. The Open Road is also a place for the OpenLab community (meaning you!). We would love your feedback, insight, and comments. Please send along anything on the OpenLab that you love! We are always available for any questions you might have. Email us anytime at openlab@citytech.cuny.edu!



The ePortfolio project at New York City College of Technology “City Tech” enables students to create professional websites that will contain a number of their academic examples and learning experiences.

Open Lab Test Platform

Open Lab Test Platform

Test platform for helping instructors

Eportfolio Test

Eportfolio Test


My Clubs

Dree Morin hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.