Desiree Alvarez’s Profile

Active 3 days, 1 hours ago
1 to 6 (of 6)
Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

The COMD Faculty Hub

Jenna Spevack

The COMD Hub (IN DEVELOPMENT) provides support for faculty and staff, including teaching, admin, and program development resources. Join The COMD Hub to receive essential communications from the Department […]

COMD Student Portfolio Committee

COMD Student Portfolio Committee

Jenna Spevack

To research and coordinate the implementation of student Student Portfolios in COMD courses. Please join this project if you would like to participate!

COMD1100 Instructional Resource

COMD1100 Instructional Resource

An instructional resource for faculty teaching Graphic Design Principles 1, the foundation design and color course in the Department of Communication Design.

Optical Transparency

Optical Transparency

This is my optical transparency in which i made a design look like it was getting farther away simply by making the boxes smaller towards the end.

Working With Ink

Working With Ink

Working with an ink