david c’s Profile

Active 3 years, 7 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5)
CST1102ID, Programming Narratives, SP2020

CST1102ID, Programming Narratives, SP2020

Jacquelyn Blain, TCunningham

Students in this class write a video game narrative and program a trailer for that game using object-oriented programming.

ENG1121 Composition II (D433) FALL 2017

ENG1121 Composition II (D433) FALL 2017

Professor Choi
English|ENG 1121|Fall 2017

Through an exploration of various genres of literature, this course aims to strengthen and sharpen students’ critical reading and writing skills beyond the level achieved in English 1101.

MTEC 3175, Experimental Game Design & Development, Fall 2020

MTEC 3175, Experimental Game Design & Development, Fall 2020

Sam Levine
MTEC3175|Fall 2020

This hands-on studio course will focus on the creation of innovative workable prototypes exploring expressive forms of gameplay using a variety of multi-media approaches, methodologies and materials. The […]

MTEC2210 Game Design and Interactive Media, FA2019

MTEC2210 Game Design and Interactive Media, FA2019

Hosni Auji
MTEC 2210|Fall 2019

This course offers a cross-disciplinary foundation for the design of games and interactive multi-media technology for artists, designers and technologists. Students will learn human-centered design principles and […]

MTEC1101 Emerging Media Foundation, SP2019

MTEC1101 Emerging Media Foundation, SP2019

Nisma Zaman
MTEC 1101|Spring 2019

This course is an introduction to emerging, interactive multi-media technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project-based, cooperative learning. Students will be immersed in the protocols and processes of […]