andy’s Profile

Active 7 years, 10 months ago
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My Courses

Films From Literature: Shadow Play

Films From Lit­er­a­ture: Shadow Play

Dark­ness, shad­ows, and light as they play across pages and screens.

2017 Spring – MAT 2680 Differential Equations – Reitz

2017 Spring – MAT 2680 Dif­fer­en­tial Equa­tions – Reitz

A dif­fer­en­tial equa­tion is an equa­tion that re­lates a func­tion to one or more of its de­riv­a­tives. – The above rather bor­ing de­scrip­tion does lit­tle to con­vey just how fun­da­men­tal, wide­spread, and amaz­ingly ef­fec­tive dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions are in de­scrib­ing the world around us. – Ex­am­ples: Any­thing in mo­tion. Also, many things that are not in mo­tion. Also, many ad­di­tional things to which the word “mo­tion” does not re­ally apply. – Fur­ther ex­am­ples: space­ships in orbit, pop­u­la­tions grow­ing and shrink­ing, a cup of cof­fee slowly cool­ing, springs bounc­ing, fi­nan­cial mar­kets ris­ing and falling, elec­tri­cal cur­rent flow­ing through a cir­cuit, ocean waves, sound waves, light waves, vi­bra­tions in mu­si­cal in­stru­ments and air­plane wings and sus­pen­sion bridges, – More ex­am­ples: Pretty much every­thing. Top­ics in­clude meth­ods of solv­ing or­di­nary dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions and ap­pli­ca­tions to var­i­ous prob­lems. Course Avatar and Site Header from a photo by Flickr user dark­den­ver (Steven Brat­man): https://​www.​flickr.​com/​photos/​darkdenver/

Graphic Design Principles I

Graphic De­sign Prin­ci­ples I

This basic de­sign and color the­ory course ex­plores graphic com­mu­ni­ca­tion through the un­der­stand­ing of the el­e­ments and prin­ci­ples of de­sign, as well as the de­sign process, in­clud­ing idea de­vel­op­ment through final ex­e­cu­tion. Stu­dents de­velop basic skills in two-di­men­sional de­sign, color and con­tent cre­ation while em­ploy­ing the de­sign process of re­search, sketch­ing and ex­per­i­men­ta­tion. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion de­sign­ers use the con­cepts ex­plored in this course in dis­ci­plines such as ad­ver­tis­ing, graphic de­sign, web de­sign, il­lus­tra­tion, broad­cast de­sign, pho­tog­ra­phy, and game de­sign.

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