Melany C.’s Profile

Active 6 years, 1 months ago
Melany C.
Display Name
Melany C.
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

American Government, Alexander Sections

American Government, Alexander Sections

This is the introductory course in American Government, with the main focus on the national level but some attention to state and local levels as well. This OpenLab site contains course materials as well as links to news sites and a discussion board to exchange ideas. Please keep disagreements friendly, and please keep in mind that our main purpose is more to analyze than to react and fume. When the course is over, as long as you still have an OpenLab account at City Tech, you are invited to continue posting on this discussion board. To access course materials, click “Visit Course Site” at the right of this page.

ENG1121, Section D421: English Composition, SP2016

ENG1121, Section D421: English Composition, SP2016

An encounter is a meeting, often unexpected and with surprising consequences. In this class, we will read, discuss, and write about stories of encounter. Simultaneously, we will also keep up with current events, problems, and conversations in the news and make connections between these and our literary readings. While one of the primary purposes of this class is to improve your reading and writing skills, it’s other major purpose is to expand your sense of the world, its communities, and to help you become better citizens. It is a requirement for this class that you approach all readings and assignments with a sense of openness and wonder.

My Projects

Melany C. hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

The Computer Systems Technology (CST) Colloquium is dedicated to providing the students, staff, and faculty of New York City College of Technology, the City University of New York, and the greater public with access to information regarding the latest developments in computing from both a research and industrial perspective. We strive to schedule speakers that have a prominent influence in the computing field and that can engage our audience to have a deeper understanding and passion for computers, software engineering, programming languages, networks, and other topics.