Cindy Ovando’s Profile
COMD3513 Narrative Illustration, SP2022
This course teaches students to create finished, professional-quality sequential illustrations combining words and pictures based on topical themes, autobiographical stories, and self-guided narratives. Topics and […]
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COMD3601 Information Design, F2022
Theory and practice of designing with information. Topics include graphs, charts, pie-charts and diagrams. Through advanced assignments related to information graphics, exhibition design and wayfinding systems, […]
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ENG 1121: Composition II, Spring 2019
This is an advanced college course in communication skills that further develops your reading, analyzing, researching, and writing skills through literary and non-fiction readings and assignments. What you do in […]
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Internship in Communication Design (Asynchronous) Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately 15+ plus hours per week at a graphic arts-related internship site approved by the department […]
COMD 3533 Special Topics in Illustration (The Art of Children’s Books)
Strategies for creating professional illustrations based on a rotating series of topics relevant to contemporary professional illustration. Topics and strategies include: digital concept art (production art, card […]
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Required for all associate level students, this capstone course is designed to showcase work done in previous courses. Focused on website design and development, topics include creative user interface design and […]
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- CloneableCloneable
COMD1112 D114 Digital Media Foundations Spring 2020 Goetz
This course introduces students to core concepts in the media field including color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. During the semester, students will […]
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Working independently, each student researches, conceptualizes and develops an in-depth project, across media channels, which uses design-thinking to address a contemporary issue.
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- CloneableCloneable
This is a foundation course in typography with emphasis on using type for a range of industry related applications from print to interactive. Students will be introduced to principles of type design and terminology […]
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- CloneableCloneable
This course introduces students to core concepts in the media field including color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. Lectures will provide students […]
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COMD1123 Foundation Drawing SP2019 Morning
This drawing course introduces basic concepts, tools, techniques and the role of drawing in design, illustration, animation and games. The course will also cover projection systems, plans, elevations, sections, […]
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