Chelsea Brenyah’s Profile

Active 2 years, 4 months ago
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LIB1201 HD30, HYBRID Spring 2022

LIB1201 HD30, HYBRID Spring 2022

Nandi Prince
LIB1201|Spring 2022

In this course we will explore issues in research and documentation for text (in print and online), images, sound, and multimedia. You will investigate where information comes from and how it is organized in both […]

MAT 1372_OL50 Bonanome Spring 2021

Marianna Bonanome
MAT1372|Spring 2021

Topics covered include sample spaces and probabilities, discrete probability distributions (Binomial, Hypergeometric), expectation and variance, continuous probability distributions (Normal, Student, Chi-Square), […]

ENG1121 English Composition 2, FA2020 OL70

Jessica Penner
ENG1121|Fall 2020

Together, we will explore and write within new genres, conduct research, and reflect on our writing practices. By the end of this semester, you’ll be able to analyze and participate in genres inside and outside o […]