Christopher Guzman’s Profile

Active 5 years ago
Christopher Guzman
Display Name
Christopher Guzman
Adjunct-College Laboratory Technician
Office Location
Academic interests

Mechanical Engineering

Work Phone

My Courses

MECH4730 Finite Element Method

MECH4730 Finite Element Method

summer 2017

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

My Clubs

Mechatronics Club

Mechatronics Club

City Tech’s Mechatronics Technology Center (MTC) was established in September 2010 and receives support from the National Science Foundation under the Advanced Technical Education program (ATE). It provides a multidisciplinary platform for students to learn the latest mecharonics/robotic technology and to gain experience through hands-on projects.

Mechatronics Technology Center Research Lab & Club

Mechatronics Technology Center Research Lab & Club

Platform for students from different engineering departments to engage in mechatronics research and to work on hands-on mechatronics projects.

Industrial Design Club

Industrial Design Club

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Technology

City Tech Maker’s ClubToggle navigation

City Tech Maker’s ClubToggle navigation

This club will provide the required tenancy space, in order to idealize, create by design, specification, manufacture, procure and build projects with a sufficient amount of resources including tools, materials, equipment and the all respected discipline and management processes to ensure successful Mechanical Engineering “Maker” mechanisms, mechanical and robotics protocol as will be called for in the Mechanical, Electronic and Computer Engineering and Manufacturing Industry beyond matriculation.

Christopher's Friends

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