Cailean Cooney’s Profile

Active 1 months, 1 weeks ago
37 to 41 (of 41)

ECON2505ID Env Econ, SP2019 HD21

Sean MacDonald
ECON 2505|Spring 2019

This interdisciplinary course examines current environmental issues from a macroeconomic perspective, focusing on both the long and short-term economic viability of various proposals to address current […]

AFR1130 Africana Folklore Fall 2018

African America...|AFR1130|Fall 2018

African Cultural retentions in the Americas is presented this semester as a reading and writing-intensive course focused on the continuities, transformations, adaptations and re¬inventions of African culture […]

Site Mock-up for ENG 1101

Cailean Cooney
Library|ENG 1101|Summer 2018

English Composition I (ENG 1101) is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

OER course template

OER course template

Cailean Cooney
Library|Fall 2017

This site can be used as a starting place for creating an OER.

CST1201 Programming Fundamentals Open Educational Resource (OER)

Raffi Khatchadourian
Computer System...|1201

This course is an intensive introduction to computer programming using the Java language. Through lectures and lab assignments, students will learn the fundamentals of the Java programming language including […]