Brian Santiago’s Profile

Active 4 years, 1 months ago
Brian Santiago
Display Name
Brian Santiago
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology
Academic interests

Computers/IT/Game design maybe

My Courses

ENG 2180-D540 FA2019

ENG 2180-D540 FA2019

This course provides students with an introductory understanding of identity, focusing specifically on the concepts of gender and sexuality as they intersect with race, class, ethnicity, and other aspects of social location and identification. Students will analyze the appearance of gender and sexuality as integrated social concepts by reading and discussing contemporary American literature across multiple genres and media, learning relevant biographical information about the authors, situating the texts within their historical and literary context, and exploring the major symbols and themes present in the work.

Mat 1375_Precalculus

Mat 1375_Precalculus

This model course is designed for use by faculty teaching MAT 1375 on the OpenLab – it includes a number of resources and sample assignments to help you get started. If you are a faculty member, you can “clone the course” to create a copy for your use, and customize it in whatever way you wish. For help with cloning and customizing, take a look at the Math Department Faculty Support page (INSERT OPENLAB LINK).

ENG3407 Gothic Lit, Sp2019

ENG3407 Gothic Lit, Sp2019

The purpose of this course is to gain a better understanding of the popular genre of the Gothic as it was developed and practiced in the late-eighteenth century and through to today in a variety of cultural contexts. An important foundation to this class is the idea that the Gothic is more than simply mysterious or strange; it is a transgressive and provocative sort of strange. The course will focus on key concepts such as horror, haunting, madness, monsters, and the undead, concepts that serve as entry points to theories such as the uncanny, queerness, and the sublime. Students will critically read, analyze, and write about the ways that the Gothic questions what it means to be normal or accepted. The class will learn about and practice using tools for reading, interpreting, and critically responding to fiction, film, poetry, and other cultural manifestations of the Gothic. In addition, students will participate in conversations about contemporary American identities and also engage in experiential learning through field trips to Gothic architectural spaces. Avatar photo by James Cherry, used with permission of the artist

ENG 2575 — Technical Writing, Summer 2020

ENG 2575 — Technical Writing, Summer 2020

An advanced course in effective technical writing techniques, including traditional technical writing forms and world wide web communication. This course will have students use electronic media such as internet, presentation, and graphics programs to communicate technical and scientific information to a variety of audiences via written and oral presentations. Students will also analyze readings in science and technology, study technical writing models, and practice collaborative research and presentation. Building on previous writing courses, this course will reinforce clarity of thinking and expression in effective and correct English.

My Projects

Gothic Spaces Presentations: NYC And Beyond

Gothic Spaces Presentations: NYC And Beyond

Welcome to the Gothic Spaces Guide. Covering New York City and beyond, we have found all of the hidden gems for your creepy pleasure. Here you can meet Count Dracula, Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein’s creature, and all of the characters that arise in your nightmares. This site will map out some “Gothic” areas around town, around the world, and even in the spaces of video games, film and TV. Bring a friend or lover, O ye faint of heart! Enter at your own risk!

My Clubs

Brian Santiago hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.

Brian's Friends

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