Bridget Maley PhD,RN’s Profile

Active 3 years, 3 months ago
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Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

Student-Ready College Committee

As a committee we are working on enhancing our new student orientation process. We are assessing and enhancing all steps from the moment a student is accepted into the college to their first year experience.

Connect Days Nursing


Orientation for Departments

Living Lab General Education Seminar

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory General Education Seminar participants. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating the general education outcome of Information Literacies into our […]

Bridging The Gap: Cognitive Research & Instructional Practice

This is a study group sponsored by Faculty Commons. We are like minded group of professors, from different departments, interested in cognitive research and instructional practice. We meet in multiple groups, led […]