Bethelie Rivera’s Profile

Active 9 months ago
Bethelie Rivera
Display Name
Bethelie Rivera
Major Program of Study
Academic interests

Fashion, Psychology, Business


Ambitious and goal-oriented, reliant, skilled in group work and communication. I thrive on motivation to do well, along with helping organize and prioritize what is needed for both mine and thier succession. Currently studying ‘Business and Technology of Fashion’ with an interest in psychology.


My Courses

ARTH1103 Intro Art History F2019

ARTH1103 Intro Art History F2019

An introduction to art and architecture from ancient to modern times. The art of Western and Eastern cultures is considered. Additional description for this section: This course is designed to get you thinking about art. What is art? How is art produced? What is the function of art? Art is a record of culture and civilization, often it is the sole way we can understand what was meaningful to people separated from us by time, language and technology. Art also helps us understand our own time and culture. This course connects art to past histories, and introduces students to the visual language of art from ancient to modern times, in order to increase the recognition and understanding of references in advertisements and posters, on clothing, and in film and other media. The course introduces a wide variety of methodologies and topics of current debate in the field of art history, including: style, technique, patronage, iconography (subject matter), social context, race, and gender. The course avatar is a watercolor by Albrecht Durer, The Little Owl, 1506 in the Albertina Museum, Vienna

My Projects



This page is to be used by students and faculty. It contains Open Educational Resources (OER) for the Human Biology course lectures taught at City Tech.

BUF3300 Luxembourg

BUF3300 Luxembourg

This website showcases a mix of modern and traditional clothing using linen from Luxembourg. This project focuses on the interrelationships and interdependence among the country of Luxembourg in Western Europe, and surrounding regions, and among such factors as geography; climate; natural resources; population and demographics; technology; culture; the economy; labor and employment practices; fiber, fabric and apparel production, distribution and consumption; and import/export trade policies and practices.

BUF3300 Luxembourg

BUF3300 Luxembourg

This website showcases a mix of modern and traditional clothing using linen from Luxembourg. This project focuses on the interrelationships and interdependence among the country of Luxembourg in Western Europe, and surrounding regions, and among such factors as geography; climate; natural resources; population and demographics; technology; culture; the economy; labor and employment practices; fiber, fabric and apparel production, distribution and consumption; and import/export trade policies and practices.

My Clubs

Bethelie Rivera hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.