Ben S.’s Profile

Active 8 years, 8 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5)

LIB2205ARCH2205 Learning Places, FA2015

J A Montgomery, Anne Leonard
Architectural T...|LIB2205/ARCH2205|Fall 2015

This special topics course offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigating our built environment using a case study focused on a specific place each semester. This course combines physical examination with […]

ENT4900/4901 Internship, SP2016

ENT4900/4901 Internship, SP2016

Miguel Valderrama
Entertainment T...|ENT4900-1|Spring 2016

For ENT Majors: work experience at a professional scenery fabrication shop, rental/supply house, off- Broadway theater, or any related industry organization approved by the adviser. For Emerging Media Tech Majors, […]

ENT4900/4901-F15 Internships

ENT4900/4901-F15 Internships

Professor Adrianne Wortzel,
Entertainment T...|ENT4900-1|Fall 2015

For ENT Majors: work experience at a professional scenery fabrication shop, rental/supply house, off- Broadway theater, or any related industry organization approved by the adviser. For Emerging Media Tech Majors, […]

Stage Rigging Spring 2016

John McCullough
Entertainment T...|ENT 3410|Spring 2016

The course is designed to familiarize the student with the basic principles of rigging, the equipment in general use, and the appropriate safety practices and procedures. By the end of the course the student should […]

Ins and Outs Of Physical Computing

Damon Loren Baker
Entertainment T...|ENT 2180

An introduction to interactive technology with a focus on how we use technology to express ourselves and interact with our environment. This class will combine a hands-on exploration of sensors and microcontrollers […]