Alessandra’s Profile

Active 9 years, 3 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

ARTH2101 HealingTheBody FA2015

Sandra Cheng, Aida Egues, gwencohenbrown
Humanities|ARTH 2101|Fall 2015

This interdisciplinary course examines the imagery of medical practice, the role of visuality in shaping medical knowledge, artistic representations of the healthy and ailing body, and the emergence and increasing […]


Radiologic Tech...|RAD 2325|Fall 2013

RAD 2325 Radiographic Procedures III (fall only) 1.5 cl hrs, 1.5 lab hrs, 2 cr Materials fee $30 This course is a continuation of RAD 1225 with an emphasis on more advanced radiographic positioning and […]

ENG 2000 Perspectives in LIterature Fall 2015

ENG 2000 Perspectives in LIterature Fall 2015

Megan Behrent
English|ENG 2000|Fall 2015

This course will introduce you to reading and writing across genres. The course will focus on readings that explore concepts of identity in America and the ways in which race, class, gender, sexuality, and […]

LIB 1201 D930 Spring 2015

Anne Leonard
Library|1201|Spring 2015

This course explores research and documentation for all media formats including text, images, sound, and multimedia. Students will examine the full lifecycle of information, including: how information is produced […]