afis.anis’s Profile

Active 4 years, 8 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology
Academic interests

computer engineering

My Courses

HUS/ENG 1101, Becoming Agents of Change, Fall 2017

HUS/ENG 1101, Be­com­ing Agents of Change, Fall 2017

Be­com­ing Agents of Change: A Human Ser­vices 1101 and Eng­lish 1101 Learn­ing Com­mu­nity: In this Learn­ing Com­mu­nity, we will in­ves­ti­gate what it means to be an agent of change. By iden­ti­fy­ing the one so­cial issue that you are most pas­sion­ate about, you will ex­plore what about your ex­pe­ri­ences make you in­ter­ested in this issue, what your cur­rent role is in re­la­tion to this prob­lem, and what you can do now and in the fu­ture to solve this prob­lem.

MAT 3770 Math Modeling I, Fall 2019

MAT 3770 Math Mod­el­ing I, Fall 2019

The study of dif­fer­ent types of op­ti­miza­tion prob­lems aris­ing in dif­fer­ent fields of busi­ness and in­dus­try. Ex­am­ples are pro­vided on sen­si­tiv­ity analy­sis of pa­ra­me­ters of a model and cal­cu­lat­ing shadow prices. Course Avatar and Header Image cre­ated at lo­go­

MAT 3772 Stochastic Models, Fall 2019

MAT 3772 Sto­chas­tic Mod­els, Fall 2019

The use of dis­crete and con­tin­u­ous dis­tri­b­u­tions to con­struct de­ter­min­is­tic and sto­chas­tic sim­u­la­tion mod­els. Sto­chas­tic sim­u­la­tions may in­clude Markov Processes, M/G/1 Queu­ing Sys­tems, Monte Carlo Sim­u­la­tion and An­a­lytic Sim­u­la­tion.

MAT 1375/D565 – Bonanome – Fall 2017

MAT 1375/D565 – Bo­nanome – Fall 2017

Top­ics in­clude an in-depth study of func­tions such as poly­no­mial func­tions, rad­i­cal func­tions, ra­tio­nal func­tions, trigono­met­ric func­tions, ex­po­nen­tial and log­a­rith­mic func­tions; con­nec­tions to vec­tors and com­plex num­bers; solv­ing trigono­met­ric equa­tions, and iden­ti­ties in­volv­ing sum, dou­ble and half-an­gle for­mu­las; Bi­no­mial The­o­rem and pro­gres­sions.

Eng 092W Dev. Writing, F 14

Eng 092W Dev. Writ­ing, F 14

This site is for both of Prof. West­en­gard’s ENG 092W sec­tions (D275 and D288). To enter the site, click on “Course Site” on the right side of the screen.

My Projects

FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

FYLC – First Year Learn­ing Com­mu­ni­ties

Wel­come to the First Year Learn­ing Com­mu­ni­ties Open Lab pro­ject page. If you are in­ter­ested in join­ing the Re­flec­tive Writ­ing Pro­ject or just learn­ing more about events, re­sources and in­for­ma­tion re­lated to the FYLCs at City Tech please re­quest mem­ber­ship!

My Clubs

Math Club

Math Club

What do math­e­mati­cians do? Can math­e­mat­ics be fun and in­ter­est­ing? Do you like free pizza? The Math Club is open to every­one with an in­ter­est in logic puz­zles, games of chance or strat­egy, and math­e­mat­ics in gen­eral. We host a va­ri­ety of math re­lated events, math talks, math games, math puz­zles, field trips, math com­pe­ti­tions, and more. Feel free to stop by on Thurs­days in Namm N719, from 1-2pm.

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