afis.anis’s Profile

Active 4 years, 3 months ago
1 to 6 (of 6)
HUS/ENG 1101, Becoming Agents of Change, Fall 2017

HUS/ENG 1101, Becoming Agents of Change, Fall 2017

MDiaz, Rob Ostrom
English,Human S...

Becoming Agents of Change: A Human Services 1101 and English 1101 Learning Community: In this Learning Community, we will investigate what it means to be an agent of change. By identifying the one social issue […]

MAT 3770 Math Modeling I, Fall 2019

MAT 3770 Math Modeling I, Fall 2019

Ariane Masuda
MAT3770|Fall 2019

The study of different types of optimization problems arising in different fields of business and industry. Examples are provided on sensitivity analysis of parameters of a model and calculating shadow […]

MAT 3772 Stochastic Models, Fall 2019

MAT 3772 Stochastic Models, Fall 2019

Johann Thiel
MAT3772|Fall 2019

The use of discrete and continuous distributions to construct deterministic and stochastic simulation models. Stochastic simulations may include Markov Processes, M/G/1 Queuing Systems, Monte Carlo Simulation […]

MAT 1375/D565 – Bonanome – Fall 2017

Marianna Bonanome
Mathematics|MAT 1375|Fall 2017

Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, radical functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; connections to vectors and complex […]

Eng 092W Dev. Writing, F 14

Laura Westengard
English|092W|Fall 2014

This site is for both of Prof. Westengard’s ENG 092W sections (D275 and D288). To enter the site, click on ”Course Site” on the right side of the screen.

EMT1111-Logic and Problem Solving (Fall 2014)

Carolyn Sher DeCusatis
Computer Engine...|EMT 1111|Fall 2014

This course introduces the foundations of problem solving and computer programming as it is applied to Electromechanical Engineering Technology. It provides a basic understanding of number systems and programming […]